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Fudgey Fu

Fudgey Fu

Clinic SuPURRvisor


Hi! I’m Gentle Oak’s SuPURRvisor Fudgey Fu. I’m also known as Fudger, Fu Fu, Baby darling….. well, the loved one has many names, so they say! I keep my staff humans on their toes daily, overseeing all the comings and goings in the clinic. I sometimes provide some loving company to your pet in hospital as well!

My special interests are food and MORE FOOD (fish, chicken… Oh, except vegetables – we cats are obligate carnivores so no yucky greens for me please!) I am adept at headbutting and sneaking kisses on my humans – I cleverly realised this melts their hearts and keeps them plying me with treats!

That I came to Gentle Oak on their birthday was a stroke of serendipity! A kind caregiver who thought I was injured brought me there late one night when the clinic was closed for celebrations. They opened their doors to me and I soon won everyone over with my loving and affectionate nature.

In my free time, I like to catch a snooze by the window and daydream about my next snack. I am very much loved by my humans, (and even though I want to maintain my aloof-cool-cat-vibe), I love them back very much, too.

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