Dr Travis Jayson
Veterinary Surgeon
BSc BVMS Hons (Murdoch)
Manzcvs (Veterinary Radiology)
After graduating from Murdoch University with honours, he has worked in Singapore and Australia where he gained extensive exposure and skillsets in both clinical and hospital setting, handling emergencies as well as critical care for his furry patients.
Over the years, he developed a special interest in small animal internal medicine as well as veterinary ultrasonography/radiology. He has also completed an Abdominal ultrasound course and Cardiorespiratory medicine course via the Center of Veterinary Education (University of Sydney) and has attained his membership in Diagnostic imaging (Radiology) with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientist. His approach to his patient care is of both evidence-based and holistic/integrative nature.
When he is not working, he enjoys taking care of his two adopted cats and a forest of plants at home. He is actively involved with the local animal and wildlife welfare groups providing veterinary advice for the stray animals. He is also one of the appointed vets for Voices for Animal.